About Us


IBEW Local 231 Charter was issued May 10, 1916 in Sioux City, Iowa.

Today, we represent members across Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota.  Our jurisdiction covers 26 counties in all – 16 counties in Northwest Iowa, three counties in Southeast South Dakota, and seven counties in Northeast Nebraska.

We are located at 5001 Harbor Drive.  Use Exit 143 or 141 off of I-29.

IBEW - Sioux City Location



Business Manager/Financial SecretaryRick Plathe

Membership Development – Craig Levine


Local 231 Officers

Business Manager / Financial Secretary – Rick Plathe

PresidentKris Brockelsby

Vice President – John DiBerardino

Recording Secretary – Jeff Sales

Treasurer – Tim Kashas

Executive Board

Daniel Reynolds

Tim Miller

Jeff Eichmann

Troy Pojar

Dan Benjamin

Keith Hummel

Examining Board

Craig Levine

John Sackett